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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Jailbreak iPhone 3gs - Apple has its own ways to make your unique gadget that can get more benefits from it. There is nothing wrong really, but why do we have to pay more if we can get for free? There are some disturbing questions in relation to blocking [...]
More about → Jailbreak iPhone 3gs
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iPhone 3G Jailbreak - Do you know that Apple is blocking some of the features of your product, Iphone 3G to be exclusive? If you ever use iPhone 3G know they can not send or receive audio / video, create a theme or use your iPhone 3G as modem to surf [...]
More about → iPhone 3G Jailbreak
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The Last Rocket For IOS - I remember the old days when 8-bit games like Pacman and other games ruled the world? That there were so many games had combat plans to shoot in the inter-galactic evil plans and save the universe. Well, if you are a fan of [...]
More about → The Last Rocket For IOS
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POPA for the iPhone - One of the bad things for iPhone photographers is that there is no physical camera button. You have to use the select button on the screen of the iPhone 4 's in the camera application to take pictures. And know that photographers [...]
More about → POPA for iPhone
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Photo by Steve Jobs - The weekend of TMZ published photo of Apple CEO Steve Jobs is the truth and was not forged. The picture shows Steve Jobs in a credit-union state with a significant weight loss, the photo should not have been reworked apart from [...]
More about → Agency Confirms: Photo by Steve Jobs is the Truth
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iPhone 5 Beta - It should not be too long until Apple is sending out invitations to this year's Music / Special Event. At this event will be like every year, the new iPod line presented and very likely also a new iPhone.In the third beta of 9.2 is now [...]
More about → iPhone 5 Beta Have Appeared in the Photo Stream
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France's CEREA has the simulation map of ground deposition of cesium-137 from the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant accident on its "Fukushima" page. It not only shows Japan but also the entire northern Pacific Rim, from Russian [...]
More about → Simulation Map of Cesium-137 Deposition Across the Pacific by CEREA Shows Contamination in US Greater Than That of Western Japan
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iTunes Match - As we reported on yesterday, Tuesday, released the latest beta version of iTunes, the iTunes Match functionality for registered developers. If you're in the U.S. population, so that you can not only download music stored, but also streaming. [...]
More about → iTunes Match: Streaming or Not
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Apple MacBook Pro - A few weeks ago was auctioned off on eBay a MacBook Pro 3G prototype. The 15 "MacBook Pro 3G prototype was equipped with a SIM card slot and an integrated MagSafe antenna on the right of the screen. After the eBay auction was once [...]
More about → Apple MacBook Pro Prototype Wants Back with 3G Connectivity
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Apple's New CEO - As Steve Jobs, the new Apple CEO Tim Cook answered some e-mails. Tim Cook appears to continue the tradition and thus to be heard at regular Abständne of himself.Since Tim Cook, Apple's Steve Jobs as the new CEO has been mentioned, [...]
More about → Apple's New CEO, Tim Cook Answered Several E-mails
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Samsung - At HP are currently doing Drun-ter on the dial over. The future of the PC business is also still open. Now, HP has announced no further webOS devices to bring more to the market and not the in-house develop WebOS. An end-of-half formula now [...]
More about → Samsung is Very Likely WebOS
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iPhone 5 - Sprint is planning for the 07th October this year a "Strategy Update". If the U.S. provider about the same time bring with AT and T and Verizon, the iPhone 5 on the market and sell? The Wall Street Journal reported a week ago, Sprint, together [...]
More about → iPhone 5 Available on October 07
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iPad 2 - Apple is currently investigating alleged to additional sales opportunities. Not only new lands are to be opened, the current distribution countries should be expanded. As Vodafone Germany has announced on Tuesday, the provider will soon begin [...]
More about → iPad 2 Will Soon Be Available on Vodafone
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OS X Lion - With the new operating system OS X Lion of Apple, which is supposed to be one of the safest in the world, now vulnerability associated with the LDAP protocol have emerged. Server on which you access with LDAP usually include sensitive data, [...]
More about → OS X Lion Has a Very Critical Vulnerability in the LDAP Protocols
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iPhone 4 Design - Mac Post published on Tuesday, a further component, but this time it's a black front end, with the "EVT 1 '(Engineering Verification Test 1), the date 03 March 2011 and is referred to as N94. The design, however, corresponds to the [...]
More about → iPhone 4 Design with New Component
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The showdown of some sort happened on August 17 in a meeting set up by the Fukushima Network for Saving Children from Radiation, between the 4 children from Fukushima Prefecture and the junior bureaucrats from the national government.It was widely disseminated [...]
More about → Fukushima Children vs Government Bureaucrats on Aug 17, 2011 (Video)
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iPhones and iPod Touches - As CNN is said to have learned from WikiLeaks said, Apple was founded in 2008 to a staff of life, strengthened against the fake iPhones and iPod Touches should proceed. The reason for building this new group is the [...]
More about → Apple is Stepping Up Action Against Counterfeit iPhones and iPod Touches
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iTunes Beta 6.1 and 10.5 - On Monday evening Apple released iTunes for registered developers 10.5 Beta 6.1. These new beta releases the iTunes Match function which ermöglichet to save music from your personal library in the icloud. However, the [...]
More about → Apple Released iTunes Beta 6.1 and 10.5 Match on iTunes Free Functionality
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Mac OS X 10.6.9 - It certainly looks as if preparing an update for Apple's Snow Leopard Which brings with it support for the icloud. The following error message appears when upgrading from MobileMe to icloud:"You will no longer be able to sync with this [...]
More about → Mac OS X 10.6.9 Leopard With icloud Support
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Remember the time when the TEPCO/government complex pretended that it would fill the Containment Vessels of Reactors 1, 2 and 3 with water to cool the Reactor Pressure Vessels inside? It was late April, TEPCO started to pour an enormous amount of water [...]
More about → #Fukushima I Nuke Plant: Water Entombment Is Back on the Table
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The workers were working on the "equipment" - I think they mean either Kurion's or Toshiba's cesium absorption vessels - that has absorbed radioactive cesium from the highly contaminated water. From the word used in the article below (かぶった), it seems [...]
More about → #Fukushima I Nuke Plant: 2 Workers Got Wet with Highly Contaminated Water
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What taupe or neutral eye shadow lover could resist Rouge Bunny Rouge's When Birds are Singing... Long-Lasting Eyeshadows in Angelic Cockatiels and Gracious Arasari? ($35.86 at this time, varies with exchange rate)? Not [...]
More about → Rouge Bunny Rouge When Birds are Singing... Long-Lasting Eye Shadow in Angelic Cockatiels and Gracious Arasari
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Well, I have to defend the City somewhat, because by no means Yokohama is alone, even though it has most number of schools (158) in the country that served beef contaminated with radioactive cesium.The following are the recent happenings in Yokohama [...]
More about → #Radiation in Japan: Something's Rotten in Yokohama City
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So the vast tract of East Japan has been contaminated with radioactive materials that came out of nuclear fuel rods that were melted down (and through and possibly out), and many areas are more contaminated than the radiation control area of a nuclear [...]
More about → Japan's Idea of Decontamination: Give Manual to Citizens and Let Them Do It
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But don't worry, says NRC, the plant is "less safe", not more dangerous.From NBC News Washington (8/29/2011):Despite being built to sustain more than the maximum expected shaking, last week’s earthquake may have exceeded the design parameters of the [...]
More about → North Anna Nuke Plant: Quake May Have Exceeded Nuclear Plant's Safety Specs
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I wanted to get a professional application of Vintage Ken to show you the gorgeous color. Vintage Ken is the nail lacquer in the I'm Worn This Way/Vintage Ken set, one of the three sets in Le Métier de Beauté's The Bordeaux [...]
More about → Le Métier de Beauté Vintage Ken Nail Lacquer from Ken Downing's Bordeaux Collection
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New colors from Tom Ford's Lip Color Collection ($48) arrived at Neiman Marcus! I found three of them irresistible - even without the testers, which haven't arrived. There's a peek below at the shades I purchased.Tom Ford [...]
More about → New: Tom Ford Beauty Lip Color Collection
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman
The iPhone Dev-Team - The eternal cat and mouse game between Apple and the jailbreak is now entering the next round, as we have reported the hacker has Allegra Nicholas, better known as Comex, to decide in the future at Apple want to prove themselves [...]
More about → The iPhone Dev-Team is Also Adopted by Steve Jobs
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iPhoto 9.2 Beta 3 - Apple has just released a week after the publication of the sixth pre-release version of IOS 5 even the latest beta versions of OS X 10.7.2 Lion, icloud and iPhoto for registered developers. Registered developers can download the [...]
More about → Apple Releases OS X 10.7.2 Build 11C43, Beta icloud 9, iPhoto 9.2 Beta 3 for Developers
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman

"Island Bliss," says the bottle. Indeed! Pure Fiji's Coconut Milk Bath Soak ($33.95) will transform your bathtub at home into a spa. Luxuriously smooth and creamy, this hydrating coconut milk soak contains a bounty of nutrients [...]
More about → Pure Fiji Coconut Milk Bath Soap
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Driving on the beach is truly a fantastic experience and in the Palm trees, sand and the sea breeze give you a sense of relaxation that will help to complete three strange levels with a girly of beauty and demonstrate your [...]
More about → Beach Girl Beautiful Race
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Previously our hero had bounced his way through many challenges and finally discovered a fellow Kulkis who had left the tribe long ago and now for some strange reason that possible reason could this black Kulkis have for [...]
More about → Kulkis New Ball Game
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The best Arcade Pool game a style pool game with superb graphics and a very fun game play and in the features, 10 achievements adds great replay values and also Un-lockable table with the Global leader board and Social [...]
More about → The Best Arcade Pool Game
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Monday, August 29, 2011
But the doctor assured the company that the death had nothing to do with having worked at Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant.The unnamed worker died in early August, after having worked at Fukushima I for about a week. TEPCO's Matsumoto says the company [...]
More about → Worker Died of Acute Leukemia, TEPCO Said in Aug 30 Press Conference
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While the attention is on Fukushima I, TEPCO has been quietly working on Fukushima II Nuclear Power Plant located in Naraha-machi and Tomioka-machi.On August 29, workers entered the Containment Vessel of Reactor 4 at Fukushima [...]
More about → Workers Entered Fukushima II (Daini) Reactor 4
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wrong, as in "180-degree wrong".From what I've gathered in twitters and blogs of people who actually watched live both the election proceedings and NHK's reporting on the election (I watched only the election, live on the net), NHK repeatedly reported [...]
More about → NHK News May Have Tipped the DPJ Leader Election With Wrong Report on Vote Prospect
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Professor Yamashita's speech on "Fukushima as Number One" was meant to cheer Fukushima City residents (he's from Nagasaki, and always prefaces his talk with the Nagasaki and Hiroshima atomic bombs).As I've said before, it was a bad, bad timing. March [...]
More about → Dr. Shunichi Yamashita's March 21 Talk in Fukushima City (Part)
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In one location, the contamination level is more than 10 times the Chernobyl level.What a surprise. Now that PM Kan is out, the government dribbles out the information that it withheld as it de-emphasized and even attacked [...]
More about → Soil Contamination in 34 Locations in Fukushima Exceeds Chernobyl Confiscation/Closed Zone Level
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Designer fragrances often come with a fantasy, and Elie Saab Le Parfum Eau de Parfum ($90 to $120) offers one that's immensely appealing. Who wouldn't love the photo of Anja Rubik, a wind-bown urban princess wearing a gorgeous [...]
More about → Elie Saab Le Parfum Eau de Parfum
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Fashion "it" girl Charlotte Ronson is best known for combining her effortless sense of style with her chic downtown designs. Charlotte is "bringing the same sensibility to her new beauty collection." Inspired by her friends [...]
More about → Charlotte Ronson A Summer's Kiss Face and Body Glow
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In the valet parking pro game tames the cars at the beautiful Airport this time, and use your arrow keys to park the vehicle safely in the highlighted area and remember that do not touch the any wall or car and use space [...]
More about → The Valet Parking Pro 2 Game
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In the family guide an entire family of squirrels through the forest, guide an entire family of squirrels through the forest and jump over obstacles and pick up the food for points and also move over a squirrel with your [...]
More about → Family of Squirrels Beautiful Game
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Sunday, August 28, 2011

In new Basket ball game the player must pass the exam before start the game and to do this, hit the ball into the basket in which you have to give a time of game 2nd minutes and the total control you can do it with the mouse. [...]
More about → Basketball 02 New Games
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Yoshihiko Noda to be the leader of the party, and will be the new prime minister. He got 215 votes.Ozawa lost.Hello increased tax, hello TPP, which Noda is all for joining. Therefore, hello Monsanto. Maybe Monsanto has the genetically modified seeds [...]
More about → Finance Minister Will Be the New Leader of DPJ
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Kaieda and Noda in the 2nd round. The difference is only 40 votes.Noda may have made a good prime minister in the peace time (i.e. no Fukushima nuke crisis). Kaieda is not fit for any position, as far as I'm concern [...]
More about → Democratic Party of Japan Leader Election Update
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(UPDATE on 8/30/2011: NISA still hasn't said a word about conversion, but someone in Japan did the calculation based on the NISA's numbers released on June 6. You can view it at this link or in the image below. In plain [...]
More about → (UPDATED) NISA Mentions "Neptunium-239" in August 29 Press Conference
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(Update: The last one, Minister of Agriculture Kano, just finished his speech. Well-rehearsed, totally irrelevant in today's Japan, IMHO. Mabuchi made the most sense, and so he won't get the vote. The worst two were Kaieda and Maehara; if either of them [...]
More about → Democratic Party of Japan New Leader Election Today