Well, so much for the Mainichi reporter who said "
10 becquerels/liter" of radioactive cesium in the water spilled from the Spent Fuel Pool in Reactor 4 the other day. (It looks like he simply added 6.1 and 4.4, as you see in the chart below, and ignored the minor details like E+04...)
From TEPCO's handout for the press on August 25:

Have these numbers changed over time? If so by how much? I went to look for TEPCO's handouts in the past. In Reactor 1 SFP, the amount of radioactive cesium
increased in 2 months, while in Reactor 3 SFP it has steadily decreased. In Reactor 4 SFP the amount is about the same (
here's the May analysis). In Reactor 2 SFP the amount is also about the same.
Spent Fuel Pool 1:
Cesium-134: 12,000 becquerels/cubic centimeters
Cesium-137: 14,000 becquerels/cubic centimeters
Cesium-134: 23,000 becquerels/cubic centimeters
Cesium-137: 18,000 becquerels/cubic centimeters
Spent Fuel Pool 3:
Cesium-134: 140,000 becquerels/cubic centimeters
Cesium-137: 150,000 becquerels/cubic centimeters
Cesium-134: 94,000 becquerels/cubic centimeters
Cesium-137: 110,000 becquerels/cubic centimeters
Cesium-134: 87,000 becquerels/cubic centimeters
Cesium-137: 74,000 becquerels/cubic centimeter