You'd think that stealing $2 million (!!!) worth of jewelry from Paris Hilton's home would be difficult... Seems not that hard:
Detectives from the LAPD's Van Nuys division were at the home this morning conducting interviews. The sources told The Times that Hilton was not home at the time of the burglary and that the house is equipped with security video equipment. It remains unclear whether this case is connected to last year's series of serial burglaries that targeted celebrities in the Westside.
As for the devastated heiress, this is what she had to say:
"I am devastated. I cannot believe someone broke into my home. They took items that had such sentimental value that no one will ever be able to replace. I'm just thankful that I wasn't there when it happened."
An insider added:
"Paris has surveillance cameras set up in every room, the thief was wearing a black hoody and knew exactly where to go, like he's been there before. Paris has upped her security team to three 24-hour bodyguards, and she has someone on her property at all times. Detectives are doing a huge investigation."