Watching Professor Kodama. He's explaining that chronic low-level radiation may cause chronic inflammation that leads to cancer.
He is very soft spoken in person. Warm smiles. He explains scientific/technical issues for lay people well.
Toward the end:
"What we need now is forecast, simulation, not academic studies. We need to protect mothers and children first."
"Do what we each can, instead of argument for the sake of argument. Contribute by doing what you can do best. It doesn't need to be about nuclear power or radiation. Play with children if you are good at playing with children. Even if that doesn't directly related to solving radiation problem or contamination problem, in a roundabout way I'm sure it will lead to a better solution."
Or something like that... So I will do what I'm good at these past 4 months; I will view the entire recorded video tomorrow and report back to you to share my findings.
(UPDATE August 5: Summary Part 1 is up.)