Many of those involved in Playcentres have been kicking up a stink, since the report was released on 1 June, saying that they will be losing up to 70% of funding as per the taskforce report.
Tolley said last month such claims were scaremongering, but didn't say why. Perhaps she didn't know why. So why she waited until today, more than two months after the ECE report was issued, and four days before consultation ends, to issue her media release is beyond me. Perhaps it was because John Key said on the radio that he has no idea why the taskforce recommended Playcentre funding should be cut.
Yesterday in Parliament, Tolley was asked whether Playcentre funding cuts will be ruled out. She didn’t appear to know.
She was told today that they are ruled out. Submissions to the ECE Taskforce close on Monday, but many have already submitted that they did not want Playcentre funding cut. Bit of a shambles all round, really.