Who would have expected that Paris is so vain and insensitive... Oh yeah- everyone!

So, sorry for the ex best friend Brittany Flickinger, Paris is off to find a new chick to dress up in ridiculous clothes and vacation with...

Now since we could make up a more ridiculous text ourselves, here's what Paris is looking for this time:
Do you long to strut into the world's most elite hotspots without a care in the world except how fabulous you are? Ever wish the velvet ropes didn't exclude you from the social circles of the A-List? How about the fantasy of jet setting around the world with the ultimate BFF, whose fierce style, charisma and star power is only matched by your own.
Paris is granting the opportunity of a lifetime to one girl or fabulous guy who has what it takes to join Paris Hilton's inner circle. Finally, you have the chance to show the world that you have what it takes to achieve social stardom allowing you unprecedented access to young Hollywood as never before.