#Radiation Contamination in Japan: "Let's All Help Fukushima Farmers" by Buying Their Produce

Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Thursday, June 9, 2011

Radiation be damned. We're in this together, like it or not!

There are many events throughout Japan to promote goods, including fresh produce, from the area first affected by the March 11 earthquake/tsunami and then by "baseless rumors" (aka radioactive materials) that the vegetables and food items from the area are contaminated with radioactive materials.

Some events are organized by the government ministries and agencies, others by the prefectural or local governments. There are many by private businesses, and here's one of them, as happily reported by a newspaper in Fukushima.

From Fukushima Minpo (6/9/2011):


The "Shipping Ceremony" of the packages of vegetables for the employees of Sogo Keibi Hosho (ALSOK) Group [a security company headquartered in Tokyo] took place on June 8 in Shirakawa City in Fukushima Prefecture, at the Japan Agriculturral Cooperative (JA) in Shirakawa.

 風評被害に苦しむ本県農家を支援しようと、全国約3万5千人のグループ社員に本県産野菜購入を呼び掛けた。500件近くの申し込みがあり、第一弾として JAしらかわが白河地方の野菜を詰め合わせた「白河浪慢野菜BOX」を発送した。注文がまとまり次第、県内の他JAが順次発送する。本庄松雄福島綜合警備 保障社長、小室信一JAしらかわ代表理事組合長、鈴木慎一り菜あん出荷協力会長らが発送開始を祝った。

ALSOK Group called on its 35,000 employees nationwide to purchase vegetables grown in Fukushima, in order to help farmers in Fukushima who suffer "baseless rumors (風評)" [that their vegetables are contaminated with radioactive materials]. Nearly 500 orders came, and as the first shipment, JA Shirakawa packed vegetables grown in Shirakawa. As more orders come in, other JAs within Fukushima Prefecture will take turns shipping the orders. The ceremony was attended by the president of the Fukushima branch of ALSOK Group, the head of the Shirakawa JA, and others.