I decided to give the makeup a try, just to see if the marketing people were on a train that the creators of the makeup hadn't boarded. I bought two pieces. I like one and love the other. This morning, I'll show you the one that earned a "like" from me. Mind you, it's not "love," because I don't like the fragrance.
The limited-edition

There is only one shade available, Candide Pink. It's a rosy blue-pink, which works nicely on my skin. It may not be flattering on gals with warm or olive skin. I took my photo in morning sunlight outdoors, and I applied the blush with its spongy applicator. Basically, you squeeze the tube to move the product into the applicator. It's easy to control the amount on the sponge. I did not blend it out because I wanted you to be able to see the shade well in my photo. I think it's very pretty.
I also like the way it behaves like a stain; it's long-lasting - a little too long-lasting for my taste. I can't get it off my cheeks or my arm (soap and water and heavy-duty makeup remover didn't do the trick). Gals who have trouble with oily skin or melting makeup may love that feature.
It is not as shiny as it appears in sunlight. It's not matte, but it's not shimmery either. It's a nice blush with a nice applicator.
Here's the rub. It smells. Like many Givenchy cosmetics, it has a scent that smells like cheap perfume. The scent does not fade quickly, which means it's going to stay with you for the first few hours while you are wearing the blush. I'm tempted to return it to Sephora, something I rarely do. I don't think I'm going to be able to wear it - only because of the fragrance. Too bad! When are cosmetics companies going to learn that we want to choose our fragrances ourselves?
If you would like to see Givenchy's Blush Gelée, you can find it at Sephora, the exclusive retailer for Givenchy.
Photos at top courtesy of Sephora and Givenchy