We have been running tours to Phillip Island since 1995.
Our first tours were for the Superbike World Championship events there, then in 2004 we added a MotoGP tour to the mix.

One of the great features of the KR tour is that tour members stay at Phillip Island, just a whisker more than three kilometres from the race track. Some of the fitness brigade have walked to and from the track in past years rather than riding in our shuttle vans.
There are plenty of other tours, but most of them require you to stay in Melbourne and travel about an hour and a half by bus each way, each day!

Not only do we bed you down on the Island near the track, we also provide you with an evening meal each day, and a few 'refreshments' as part of the package.
This year we fly out of Auckland on Thursday, October 14 and fly back to Auckland from Melbourne at 6.00 pm on Monday, October 18.
We provide return economy class airfares, accomodation in four near new three bedroom houses at Smiths Beach, transfers to and from Melbourne airport, transfers to and from the track, grand stand seating and a big BBQ meal each night, as well as a few cold ones to help the telling of tall tales.
Want to know more? Call Todd Sutherland at Kiwi Rider on 09 416 5307, or 021 709 989. Or e-mail: MotoGP@trackfun.co.nz