Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Big News is backWell that didn't last long. Actually, given that today is 1 April I have decided that I will continue blogging. If you keep reading, I'll keep blogging, ok [...]
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Knocking it on the head. Goodbye...I'm going to finish up blogging. Ive been doing it for years, but I started a new job yesterday that pretty much prevents me from blogging - at least means that there are some things I should not be blogging on - particularly [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Tuesday, March 30, 2010

No one will own the seabed and foreshoreThe Gisborne Herald has reported that the Government has proposed that, instead of identifying an owner of the foreshore and seabed, new legislation would provide that no one owns, or can own, the foreshore and [...]
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Melissa Sata Makes Italy Proud Of Her Butt

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Sweet Lord Jesus... that ass is just amazing! It's Melissa Satta letting the whole wide world that she owns a fine piece of ass. Her country, Italy, must be proud! This hot Italian model is out on the beach and caught [...]
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Yet Another Anne Curtis Slip Photo from Another Angle

Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Sunday, March 28, 2010

And yet, another Anne Curtis photo from the Boracay incident flourished and quickly spreading in the internet. This time, it's from a different angle and with a much better resolution. Not to mention full view of the right [...]
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Work testing beneficiariesDanyl at Dim Post thinks it is patently moronic to start work-testing beneficiaries and suspending their incomes for non-compliance when there aren’t any jobs around for them to apply for.There are plenty of jobs to apply for. [...]
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Victoria Silvstedt And Her Troublesome Ass

Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Saturday, March 27, 2010

For a celeb who doesn't want to attract attention, Victoria Silvstedt is doing a crappy job. This hot and trashy super model is caught on cam hanging out at the beach while dissing off the paparazzi. Well you can't [...]
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Bollywood Boobs, Bollywood Hot Picture, Hot Actresses

Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Friday, March 26, 2010

Bollywood bikini, Bollywood boobs, hot pictures, sexy wallpapers,  Bollywood Hot Picture, Hot Actresses.. [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Thursday, March 25, 2010

ScaremongeringI think some bloggers are scaremongering about National's benefit policy. Some are implying that loads on the dpb will be worktested off benefits and the system is harsh and the government is uncaring. I don't for a moment think the system [...]
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Anne Curtis Boracay N1p Slip Video

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So that's what happened. Anne Curtis was dancing with Sam Milby as his partner. She was wearing this skimpy bikini top and white skirt. During one of the stunts where Anne Curtis had to flip with the help of Sam Milby, that's [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Electoral referendum billThe Electoral Referendum Bill was introduced today, and provides for a referendum on MMP. Should 50% of voters choose MMP, MMP will be reviewed. Specifically:- the 5% threshold for a party to obtain list seats:- the overhang, [...]
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Oh, so that’s okay, thenSocial Development Minister Paula Bennett knew that her social welfare reforms breached the Bill of Rights. Chris Finlayson outlined the substantive matters in a report [PDF].Why exempt a class of beneficiaries who – by definition [...]
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Britney Spears Is Worthy To Be Called An Milf

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Britney will be Britney! Here's Britney Spears acting her hot and slutty self again. She's somewhere getting drunk and totally wasted wearing a little bikini while in vacation. In these hot pics her hot nipples are [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Otago University students' association sale Otago University Students' Association is for sale on Trade Me. Get in quick! Also included in the sale is a student executive and wider network that represents and advocates for students to the University, [...]
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Anne Curtis N1p Slip on ASAP XV in Boracay last Sunday March 21

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So, this is the reason behind why the boys are talking about ASAP XV in Boracay last March 21, 2010. It's because of Anne Curtis slip moments. Sorry guyz, got to cover this one. But would you want to see the uncovered photo [...]
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Welfare reformThe Prime Minster has announced some benefit reforms to ensure that the benefit is a safety net, not a lifestyle – and to get people back to work as soon as possible, even if it is only part time.The reforms:As expected, beneficiaries [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Monday, March 22, 2010

"Ear-flick" man to appeal his conviction todayRemember Jimmy Mason? He was convicted for assaulting his son and appeared on TV to tell his story.Well, he is back in court today to appeal his conviction and is representing himself. His defence appears [...]
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Anne Curtis and Sam Milby in ASAP XV in Boracay

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Dance number of Anne Curtis and Sam Milby in ASAP XV in Boracay last March 21, 20 [...]
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Sexy Sam Pinto in Your Song Presents "ISLA"

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The sexy Sam Pinto stars in Your Song presents 'Isla'. Sam Pinto's body is really to die for.2 more sexy Sam Pinto photos inside + video from ASAP XV 'Isla' casts - & [...]
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ASAP XV in Boracay - Why Everyone is Talking About It?

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I was on a bus this evening and the radio was tuned on Boys Night Out. One of the topics was ASAP XV in Boracay and they were like going crazy as usual and thanking the internet. I was so intrigued that I quickly made a search when I got home. Lo and [...]
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Avril Lavigne Looking Like A Hot And Horny Vampire

Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Sunday, March 21, 2010

Here's the tiny but cute Avril Lavigne looking so hot with her vampirish look. She has such a lovely pale whiteness that's going on her. Reminds of of Courtney Love but her hotness is multiplied ten folds. I don't [...]
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Is This Arianni?

Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Saturday, March 20, 2010

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think this is Arianni, isn't she?Another Arianni photo inside -& [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Thursday, March 18, 2010

Will the Waihopai Three be arrested again?Crown Law has released this statement and is looking at an appeal with regard to the judge's decision to allow the claim of right defence used by the Waihopai Three. It can do this under s 380 of the Crimes [...]
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There Is Something Really Yummy About Cameron Diaz

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Cameron Diaz out and about in a bikini is a pretty rare sight. Luckily the camera lenses caught her out on the beach acting naughty while wearing a tight two piece! Check out her hot ass in her little green bikini [...]
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Angelica and Derek Ramsey Private Moments as Reported in SNN

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The reported Angelica Panganiban and Derek Ramsey private moment as reported in SNN tonight. In this photo, you can clearly see that Angelica Panganiban's hand is inside Derek Ramsey's shorts. I wonder what game they are [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The claim of right defenceIt is fair to say that some people are astounded that the three men that attacked the Waihopai spybase were acquitted yesterday.The "claim of right" defence ( as per s269(2) of the Crimes Act) was the key to this trial and [...]
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Spybase accused found not guiltyExcellent St Patrick's Day news - a not guilty verdict after two hours in the Waihopai spybase trial. Verdict came out at 5:45 when I was out. Story from Stuff is here.Ploughshares media release is here.The trio, associated [...]
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Angeli-copter / Angelicopter (Photos) on Magic 89.9 Temporary Replacement for Grace Lee

Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Tuesday, March 16, 2010

agic 89.9 guest dj Angelica aka Angeli-copter / Angelicopter.I was listening to Good Times with Mo, Mojo and Grace Lee this morning and was a little surprised that Grace Lee wasn't on board due to an injury. Instead it was [...]
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Angel Locsin Same Dress Different Background But Still Sexy

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Don't be deceived by background photos. Most likely, what we're seeing is just a photo background. Look at this Angel Locsin beach photo. Who would have thought that this was shot in a studio. Amazing isn't it? But sexy [...]
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The Chauvel storyThe Charles Chauvel “airplane and kids” story everyone is talking and blogging about was news. It wasn’t very important news, but news nonetheless. And it is a story that is a lot easier to write than a story on Genesis announcing [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Monday, March 15, 2010

Who is the NZ Suicide Prevention Trust?While on the way home I got accosted - yes that is the correct word - by an angry man demanding that I sign a petition for the NZ Suicide Prevention Trust.Another man with a clipboard was also collecting signatures. [...]
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Victoria Beckham And Her Super Tanned Sexy Body

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Victoria Beckham is the real spice on the former all girl pop group Spice Girls. She proves it here in these hot photos while wearing a super tight dress that makes her skinny tanned frame look sexier! You wouldn't [...]
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Sheena Halili in White Dress

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Starstruck avenger Sheena Halili in a white, sleeveless dress.2 more Sheena Halili photos inside - & [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Friday, March 12, 2010

No more buddy buddy, no more messing aroundI've been a fan of the music of Flying Nun for longer than most third year uni students have been alive. I've reviewed many live gigs of Flying Nun bands for the Evening Post, hosted Flying Nun pub music quizzes [...]
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Alyssa Alano Sexy Poses

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Alyssa Alano started her career as an internet diva who sings with her own lyrics. From there, as what they say is history.So much for that. 4 more Alyssa Alano photos inside -& [...]
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Jennifer Aniston Is One Sexy Cougar

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America's blond sweetheart and certified sexy cougar Jennifer Aniston still has what it takes to bring up our cocks! This most famous Friends star is 40 and still jumping from one boy toy to another. Well if she has [...]
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Kim Chiu in Bench's Lost in Summer Collection

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Kim Chiu in Bench's Lost in Summer collection. Not much on the sexy side but more on the creative side.2 more Kim Chiu photos in Bench's Lost in Summer collection inside -& [...]
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Georgina Wilson Video

Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Thursday, March 11, 2010

Another Georgina Wilson video. Don't be surprise if you see beautiful face of cour [...]
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The Waihopai Trial II: Law and the lawThe trial of three men charged with damaging the Waihopai spy base in Blenheim in May 2008 continues in the Wellington District Court this week.The defence is claiming that they acted in self-defence, that it was [...]
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Jennifer Lee in Yellow Dress with Gwen Garci

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Jennifer Lee with Gwen Garci.And not only that. Also check the 2 titillating photos of Jennifer Lee inside -& [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It’s an arse of a plan, JoyceGuest post by Ralph Springett, president of Massey’s extramural students’ associationTertiary education minister Steven Joyce has recently outlined how tertiary education funding will work. Completions must come within the [...]
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Glaiza De Castro's Classic-Modern Photos

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Glaiza De Castro photos by Paul Ticzon. Classic and modern in one concept.5 more Glaiza De Castro photos inside -& [...]
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Audrina Partridge Slutting It Out In A Shiny Tight Dress

Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Tuesday, March 9, 2010

There's a surplus of reality starlets getting their fair share of 15 minutes of fame nowadays, and MTV is spearheading the bimbo blowout! But this MTV reality celeb is in for a long run under the limelight, packing [...]
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Jacq Yu on UNO Event

Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Monday, March 8, 2010

The sexy and voluptuous Jacq Yu on one UNO Event in the past. Nice wide smile Ja [...]
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