Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Sunday, March 30, 2008

Kingmaker's debate

I've been looking at the minor leaders debates in Parliament that screened on TVNZ7 today. If you`ve never heard of TVNZ7, read this.

You can watch the entire video here, or on the TVNZ website. Or if you prefer, it screens at midnight tonight on TV1.

On the Maori seats: When asked if the seats were a bottom line, Pita Sharples says yes, but he also said that the repeal of the Labour's Foreshore and Seabed Act was a bottom line too.

It remains to be seen which "bottom line" is lower should the Maori party be Kingmaker.What we do know is that ACT's bottom line is the scrapping of the top tax rate: Will John Key come out and say thats not National policy?

In a Colmar Brunton poll commissioned by TV NZ for this debate, 37 percent watched the death penalty brought in (58 per cent opposed it), Pakeha was the least privileged people group and Maori the most privileged - and most NZers are happy with MMP. However, accordingto the poll, the country is split on the Maori seats, 48 percent want them, 47 percent don't, and just 28 percent want a republic.