Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Monday, June 30, 2008

More Fairfax sub-editors to be laid off Nearly a fifth of sub-editors at Fairfax are about to be made redundant with the rest to be centralised, following the loss of 70 subs at APN last year and the loss of a whole swag of subs when The Evening Post [...]
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British kids can use expletives in school examsYou have to wonder WTF is going on in exams these days. British high school students are being awarded marks for writing obscene phrases on their English tests because it shows at least some ability to [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Sunday, June 29, 2008

Cheese alert! Is Anchor trying to pull a swifty?Anchor has a block of Edam cheese on the market. It's the same width as the standard 1kg block of cheese. It is the same length as a standard 1kg block of cheese. It's a similar price as a 1kg block of [...]
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Nobbling National has nothing to do with policyMatt McCarten considers that Labour's only possible chance of winning the general election is to hope it can nobble National's John Key by exposing him as a lightweight.But to do that properly, Key has [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Saturday, June 28, 2008

Self explanatory, rea [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Thursday, June 26, 2008

Government pretty much decided on postal smacking referendum months agonote:this post has been updatedThe Chief Electoral Officer (CEO), Robert Peden, has advised the Government that he would prefer that any Citizens Initiated Referenda be conducted [...]
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In the US, even atheists believe in GodApparently, according to the latest Pew Forum report on Religion and Public Life, nine out of 10 people in the US believe in God, including some atheists. And nearly 60% of Americans pray to God every day, [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Referendum II Yesterday, I mentioned that if the date of a citizen's initiated referendum on the smacking legislation is to be announced before the announcement of an election day, the referendum can't obviously be held on an announced election day.However, [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Tuesday, June 24, 2008

No Right Turn says there is no time for referendum, and he's wrong Note: see update at bottom of this postHelen Clark has said it is unlikely that the smacking petition will have its referendum at the election, whereas No Right Turn says it is impossible. [...]
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Police investigate offences they consider acceptable behaviourPolice have released another review of the Section 59 legislation.Beth Wood from EPOCH says its all good news. That's because the Police state there is a [...]
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Please help Andrew outDear Blog Reader,My name is Andrew Cushen, and I am conducting a survey of New Zealand Political Blog Readers. This survey is part of my research toward a Master of Arts in Political Studies at the University of Auckland.As the [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Monday, June 23, 2008

It is irresponsible to pass useless legislation just to send a message This from Frogblog about the tagging legislation: In his classic style, Nandor ripped into the House last night, telling those who support the tagging legislation that it is irresponsible [...]
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Is a party logo an election advertisment?Such a big issue. Under the Electoral Finance Act, is a political party logo an election advertisement. That is a question the Electoral Commission looked at at its meeting in May and June and will further consider [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Sunday, June 22, 2008

Labour achievement number twoTony Milne has been running a lovely series about all Labour's achievements. Here's achievement number two:Labour achievement 2: More teachers More teachers mean better quality education for all children: Since 1999 Labour [...]
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Why I`m voting LabourI’m voting Labour because being part of a collective gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling all over. I’m voting Labour because common sense and the most basic of intelligence tells me Communism will work one day and we need to keep trying. [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Saturday, June 21, 2008

Labour out of '20's but still with the less support than Social Credit in 1981The corks will be popping on the 9th floor as Helen Clark and Judith Tizard high five each other in their delight that Labour is no longer [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Friday, June 20, 2008

Serious al-Qaeda security breachPolice are investigating a "serious" security breach after a civil servant lost top-secret documents containing the latest intelligence on al-Qaeda on the seat of a train ,and gave it to the B [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Associated Press gets heavy handed - bloggers retaliateThe blogosphere bites back. The Associated Press took offense when some poor blogger quoted a few words of an AP story in his blog and asked for some money over unfair [...]
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Police in Manakau are in "high spirits" after homicidesPolice want everyone to know that crime is not escalating in Manakau.Detective Inspector John Timms said despite the number of homicide investigations in the area police were in high spirits and [...]
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Helen and her bottleshop blame gameHelen Clark wants to get rid of some bottle shops. She has had another failing knee-jerk reaction and has made a decision on the grounds of "appearing to do something". She said that she wanted Parliament to revisit [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Tuesday, June 17, 2008

In Parliament todayGordon Copeland: Would the Prime Minister agree with the comment of a former High Court judge that family breakdown is the major driver of violent crime in South Auckland and elsewhere; if so, would she support a royal commission [...]
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Abortion: who is braver, the mother or the aborter?The latest abortion figures were released today . More are having abortions, and a quarter of them are teens. Abortion is by far the most common medical surgical procedure our young women receive.There [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Monday, June 16, 2008

Peter Dunne interviewed by Gordon CampbellEvery now and then a journalist does a good interview of an MP. Last Friday it happened again. Gordon Campbell interviewed Peter Dunne.Topics include abortion, tax - and income splitting, Kyoto and ETS, religion [...]
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Nationwide counselling service could fit in a large elevatorGot a call from Whats Up today. They wanted some money so that they can run their counselling service for kids who ring up about child abuse, questions on sexual orientation and the like. [...]
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Smacking referendum likelyJust been advised that the collectors of signatures for the smacking referendum have now got 380,000 signatures. So it looks likely that there will be a referendum. Or will they go to Crown Law for advice - like everything else [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Saturday, June 14, 2008

While Labour MPs either get divorces or civil unions, National MPs... get engaged to be marr [...]
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WINZ Deputy Chief Executive stretches truth in Dominion PostPatricia Reade, Deputy Chief Executive of Work and Income stated in a letter to the Dominion Post this week that there is no link between the number receiving an unemployment benefit, and a [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Friday, June 13, 2008

Bob Jones has had a gutsful He voted National in 1981, three years later he got 12.4% of the vote - but no seats - with the New Zealand Party - and now that he knocked off Rob Muldoon, he wants to knock off Helen Clark. He is going to vote National [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Thursday, June 12, 2008

How easy is that!Christchurch GP Pippa MacKay, who performs abortions at Lyndhurst Hospital, said she applies the law."If someone says to me they will suffer depression if they have a child, then I accept that." Lets put that into plain English. So, [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Wednesday, June 11, 2008

GP has an abortion so she can get back to work performing abortions.Independent MP Gordon Copeland is disappointed that Christchurch GP Dr. Pippa MacKay returned to work yesterday after having an abortion.Her abortion was granted on the grounds that [...]
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Time to uphold or reform abortion law?New Zealand’s present abortion laws are based around the 1977 Abortion, Contraception and Sterilisation Act.. This law does not confer or recognise a legal right to life for an unborn child until that child is a [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Another tertiary cockupRegular readers may recall that last year I enrolled for a tertiary paper but had to withdraw from that paper because I couldn't get the books as they didn't order enough. The school concerned refused to give me my fees back, [...]
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Everything for who loves cars and high speed

Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman

For who it adores cars and it likes races does not live without a good race, everything for the loving ones of cars always looks for New Cars goes to find the best cars in To The car connection has always the best cars with excellent evaluation to find [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman

High Court allows Labour to break the LawThe National Party has failed to have the Electoral Commission refer a Labour party leaflet that breached the Electoral Finance Act to the police.But the Police is investigating it anyway after a member of the [...]
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Government encourages use of power in its campaign to reduce powerThe Government is trying to curb our use of power by commencing a public education campaign.Problem is, its a TV campaign, and you need to use power to see it. And if you want to see the [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Sunday, June 8, 2008

Labour's friends are deserting themMatt McCarten has written a pretty good column in which he notes that Labour is lacking prospective coalition partners. The Greens realised this a while back which is why it is trying to rort the system to give the [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Friday, June 6, 2008

Vote Green or you`ll get the fingerHow the Greens, after the anti smacking bill, is marketing itself. It's on the Green's website and postered around Auckland [...]
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Labour revealed as bully boysLabour has been bullying officials over complaints that their brochures have breached the Electoral Finance Act. The bullying letter is hereNational Party Deputy Leader Bill English says an aggressive letter from Labour [...]
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Keep your sticky mitts off our party votesThere's a bit of a bitch fight going on between the Greens and the Maori Party at the moment.And the Greens started it.They want those in the Maori seats to vote Green instead of the Maori Party for the list [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Thursday, June 5, 2008

Greens are merely following the lawSo, Green co-leader Russel Norman is going to be an MP before the election. However some are saying that leapfrogging two list places to do so is undemocratic and it should not be allowed to happen because it manipulates [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Obese people smack their kids moreFamily First NZ is questioning why a government sponsored survey of obesity rates and related issues of exercise, TV watching, nutrition, fast food and drinking patterns has included a question on smacking and its effectiveness.The [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Tuesday, June 3, 2008

CPAG want beneficiaries to get more than the minimum wageThe MSM has reported on the case [also here] taken today by the Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) on the In Work Tax Credit (IWTC) aspect of the Working For Families package, maintaining that [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Monday, June 2, 2008

Should non workers get an in work payment?Should beneficiaries get a $60.00 In Work Tax Credit (IWTC)? Currently, they don't, so the Child Poverty Action Group is challenging the Government tomorrow, claiming the policy is discriminatory. Yet it is [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Sunday, June 1, 2008

Tonight's TV1 poll: National 55, Labour 29This is just getting silly. These aren't seats, they are percentages. If this poll translates to seats in the House and the Maori Party get all the Maori seats, even with the overhang, National can govern [...]
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