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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Thursday, May 29, 2008
Academic attacks the Maori seatsThe Business Round Table has just released a report [PDF] by Canterbury Law Professor Philip Joseph that recommends the abolition of Maori Parliamentary seats. The Maori Party has responded, calling for the Maori [...]
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman
Kiwi Party secretary needs a jolly good smackThe Kiwi Party- that’s the Larry Baldock party, not the Family/Destiny one - has forgotten to apply for free broadcasting time for this year’s election. Obviously their smacking referendum is more important [...]
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman
Why attempt to fix something that ain't broke?Earlier this month, National announced that it intended to seek a referendum on our electoral system. But it indicated it was not about to revert to First Past the Post, but if people want a change from MMP, [...]
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Smacking: and the ODT websiteThe Otago Daily Times has upgraded its website , so I have added to the RSS feed on Flock. This story takes a look at a poll on smacking commissioned by Curia for Family First.In the poll, 48% of parents said they smacked [...]
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Fiscal drag is part of the Government's fiscal strategyKeith Ng has done a good post on the budget, analysing the Governments tax cuts. Go and read it. In short, if you`re earning more than $47,000, you've just had a pledge that your overpayment - or [...]
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Monday, May 26, 2008
You will always have the poor with you Labour has decided that beneficiaries without kids are people after all. Although it is not going to increase benefits, it will assist those who realise that if they have run out of food, they can seek WINZ assistance [...]
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Saturday, May 24, 2008
What a laughThis is weird. A young guy goes and gets his licence. It comes back with his name on it - but a picture of an elderly lady.So he vists his local newspaper. Sure it will make a good story, he thinks, an old woman pictured on his licence. [...]
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Friday, May 23, 2008
Red faces at Crown LawWhat on Earth is going on at Crown Law? The Crown Law office, headed by the Solicitor-General, is the official legal advisor to Ministers and to the public service. Short of getting a judgment from the courts, a Crown Law opinion [...]
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman
Bang go the tax cuts - one day after they are announced. No one with a mortgage is better offBollard has announced that the Reserve Bank is to delay lowering the OCR until at least after the election because of the tax cuts in the budget. Or was it [...]
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Thursday, May 22, 2008
"The Doctor" - The official Budget 2008 songOn a warm autumn arvo with a Budget bound for nowhere,We tuned into the Doctor; we were almost put to sleep.So we took turns a starin', out the window at the darkness,til boredom overtook us, when he began [...]
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman

Is that it? Will most Pacific Islanders still not realise it is an election year?Michael Cullen today announced a three-year tax cutting package, with workers on the average $45,000 wage taking home an extra $16 a week [...]
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman
Church group tells Electoral Commission to get stuffed - and rightly soSix churches are funding a $100,000 campaign on social justice but although the Electoral Commission has suggested they register as third parties under the Electoral Finance Act, [...]
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman
The EPMU decision It's been a bit of a hectic week hence the sparse blogging but I`m back now.The High Court decision [PDF] that the EPMU is a "natural person" under the Electoral Finance Act means that the Electoral Commission now has to determine [...]
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Sunday, May 18, 2008
Government to spend millions to get National voters on top tax rate into first homePoor one income families on $85,000 who can't budget enough to scrape 5% of a deposit on a house are to get an interest free loan of up to 30% of the value of their [...]
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Friday, May 16, 2008
Government assumes we are willing to take lower wagesThis from the Wall Street Journal. It is run in full.Global-warming alarmists tend to understate the true costs of cutting greenhouse gas emissions. So give credit to New Zealanders, who seem poised [...]
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman
Corruption discovered in Immigration, and not for the first timeLast night, TVNZ reported that a third of the staff of the Pacific division of the Immigration Service have been involved in a raft of offences including bribery and fraud. This was the [...]
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Thursday, May 15, 2008
Former Immigration head did not have a PhD as claimed in her CVWow. This is staggering. Another John Davies (from Maori Television Service fame). But worse. Mary-Anne Thompson resigned because she was feeling the political heat over her CV and it has [...]
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Another corrupt Government Official escapes censure by resigningIt's good that Mary Anne Thompson has resigned as the head of the Immigration Service head. She should have been sacked. She was, after all, found to have broken her own department rules [...]
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Monday, May 12, 2008
Government gives 20 hours free ECE so kids can sit in front of the TVThe Government's 20 hour free ECE policy is supposed to be about childhood education. But not all caregivers provide this childhood education, and some services provided are no different [...]
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Saturday, May 10, 2008
My experience with our public health systemYesterday I went to hospital to have an operation courtesy of the public health system. The operation had been delayed once, but was done within six months. After I got wheeled into the operating theatre, they [...]
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Thursday, May 8, 2008
Record number working while collecting the Invalids BenefitThis quarter's benefit numbers are here. Unemployment has gone up but this increase has not translated to the unemployment benefit as the majority of the 29,000 people who left jobs in the [...]
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman

This is its possibility of if to become recognized internationally in its career of professional model and to gain an excellent prize of $10.000, the http://www.lookoftheyear.com goes to make international an international [...]
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Monday, May 5, 2008
Internet Explorer is BAD!Just had a look at this blog on Internet Explorer, it looks awful. Don`t use IE. Use Firefox or even better, Flock. But does anyone know how to fix a blog that centres everything when viewed on IE? If so please contact me.Update: [...]
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman
The Waihopai spy base attackI haven't blogged about the three men that deflated a dome at the Waihopai spy base until now, partly because I happen to know one of the three pretty well, as well as some of their public supporters. But I'm pleased they`re [...]
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Sunday, May 4, 2008
Most Pacific Islanders and young people don`t know 2008 is an election year - but many know about a smacking petition, apparentlyA survey by the Electoral Commission found that 55% of Pacific people, 45% of Asians and 41% of Maori don`t know 2008 is [...]
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman
Average family spends $15 a week more than they earn, wealthy families even more due to increased interest ratesA study by the website interest.co.nz has calculated that a family on an average wage paying an average mortgage is now spending $15 more [...]
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman
It is easy feeding your family on $170 a week even if you don't shop the specials, but eat one piece of toast for breakfast and one sandwich for lunch The Sunday Star Times shows how to feed a family of four on $170 a week, which is a little over what [...]
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Saturday, May 3, 2008
Grand Theft Auto: Remember kids, don`t kill those prostitutes, okay.It's clear. Grand Theft Auto IV is only R18 until the buyer walks out the door.It can easily be sold for those under 18, but not with those under 18. The destinction being - according [...]
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Friday, May 2, 2008
I don't know the details honey; I just write the policy and ask for the moneyThis month is New Zealand Music Month and Shihad has topped the charts with Flight of the Conchords at number two. Great start. Judith Tizard was at the Matterhorn last night [...]
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Thursday, May 1, 2008
Goodbye Firefox - hello FlockWell, I have now decided to use Flock as my default browser - and RSS feeds, now I have most of my tabs and RSS feeds in. Flock is a social networking browser and is good for news and new media junkies, bloggers and [...]
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman
It's business time for Flight of the ConchordsFlight of the Conchord's album debuts at number 3 in the US char [...]
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Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman
Electoral Finance action: Is something going on here?This letter was published in the Dominion Post this morning.I agree that Labour has no respect for the truth ( Editorial, April 23). Telling lies - or being publicly caught lying as Labour President [...]
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