Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Friday, November 30, 2007

Female equity Ombudsman gets lower paySweden's new Equal Opportunities Ombudsman, who is a woman, is to receive a considerably lower salary than her predecessor, who was a man. One of the ombudsman's main tasks is to actively encourage employers to [...]
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The certain loan in the hour of bigger squeeze

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There if its problem will be CashAdvance1500.com loan is the solution, you goes to find diverse types of chances of excellent loans.Without much bureaucracy it has its value requested in the hour, without having that to be if worrying about some difficulties [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Trevor and Brenda going on holiday for three weeks Trevor, Brenda and their adult children want to go on holiday and drink some Heineken for three weeks later this month. If you can assist him give him a call - and at the [...]
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DHB offers $100 to mums then scraps itCapital Coast Health said it was going to offer $100 in supernmarket vouchers to every mother who left the hospital six hours after giving birth.Some people said it was bribery, so the DHB has scrapped the policy [...]
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Its paradise of casino

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If you he is as I one vitiated in casino pro360.com is the solution of its problems, I I adore a good game and there it is certain ticket every day.It goes to be able to participate of a list of the best casinos that has for the InterNet and being plus [...]
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Labour and the Exclusive BrethrenOne of the reasons the Electoral Finance Bill was drafted was to stop big money from the Exclusive Brethren influencing elections. And $840,000 is big money.I just thought I`d point out - in case you had forgotten - [...]
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Labour's slide continues Last weeks poll had Labour 6 points down on 34 percent and National up 3 to 48 percent. The latest poll widens the gap betwen the two parties, giving National 51.3 percent and Labour 38.1 percent. Wait for these guys to say [...]
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Best shop of electronic of the net

Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Everything what you search in electronic you find there in savebuckets has everything, excellent offers.You go to find of everything and with prices that are very cheap in its budget therefore savebuckets is the place certain pra to look electronic [...]
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the 155 page terrorism affidavitWell, I've read it after it was posted on the Internet as a PDF. Lots of mobile phone numbers to ring and a few scrawled notes that indicate that is not the police who leaked it. The adffidavit is actually 156 pages but [...]
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AnniversariesToday is the anniversary of the election where Dear Leader became PM, in 1999. It is also the anniversary of John Key's leadership of the National Party. It's also the wedding anniversary shared with the person who lives with [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Monday, November 26, 2007

UN: smacking could be a form of tortureThats what the UN will be saying next, after this statement on tasers. An expert had testified to a UN committee that use of the taser has "proven risks of harm... The use of TaserX26 weapons, provoking extreme [...]
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The sophisticated jewels more of the world

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Jamesallen is the place for you that it looks a fine jewel for occasions special or if you is one loving of walks using what of finer in jewel.I gave for my wife already two wonderful rings of therefore I make question of sample for all there the high [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Saturday, November 24, 2007

CYFS and police inconsistantWe have a case where a 13-year old girl gave birth to a child fathered by a 20 year old person she was having sex with for at least two years.CYFS knew about it, so does the police. Police have decided not to lay charges. [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Friday, November 23, 2007

WINZ Case Manager pays beneficiary "under the table"I know of a person who is on a benefit. This person is looking for a job and told me that a Case Manager at WINZ thought that their section could do with a bit of a spruce up and is paying this beneficary [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Thursday, November 22, 2007

Clint Rickards resigns from the police And about time too. Should have done it in February 2004. I hope we`ll find out how much money he gets. Perhaps hes now finished his state-funded law degree and feels it is time to perf o [...]
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Bradford incorrectly says latest smacking case shows anti-smacking legislation is workingMost people who read this blog ( and so far today thats 800 of you) are aware that I have been opposed to the anti-smacking legislation. However I am also opposed [...]
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Smorty the best system for bloggers

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Smorty is a system that grants money webmasters so that they create posts on diverse subjects.Each post varies of in agreement value what it was stipulated by its advertiser, and after post to be accepted, created and submitted it passes for an evaluation [...]
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High technology respecting the environment

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Thinking about high technology and respect to the environment where we live I knew edsgrp the best company in the technological branch and that it invests heavy in the preservation of the nature.It counts on system of finishes generation for software [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Wednesday, November 21, 2007

David Parker should be sackedTrevor Mallard scolded the Ministry for the Environment for hiring Labour activist Clare Curran, and in Parliament today he described the decision to hire her as naive. Yet it was Minister David Parker who advised the Ministry [...]
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Parent finally prosecuted for light smackingWas told twice today that a parent has been prosecuted for smacking. A father got diversion for giving his kid smacks on bum with his hand after his child was naughty at school. Was told there will be a story [...]
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Big News makes FarkApparently a lot of people read Fark. Somehow one of my blog posts must have made it to Fark. No idea how. Nice to get thousands of hits instead of hundreds...Biggest day ever and its only 7:30 [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Environment Ministry lies to ministerWhen Labour activist Clare Curran was hired at the Ministry for the Environment ( remember Madelene Setchell was fired for being the partner of John Key's press secretary,) standard practice was that for contracts [...]
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Court overturns Swedish smacking banSwedish parents are allowed to smack their children, as long as they dont smack them too hard, according to a recent court decision. A unanimous court ruled that the father's smack did not constitute assault - it [...]
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Lobby groups will struggle to keep people informed if EFB goes throughIf the Electoral Finance Bill is passed unaltered, lobby groups and churches may not be able to inform their supporters of what parties' policies are in public in an electin year [...]
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Latest poll has Labour 14 points behind NationalLabour's slide has startedNational is up 3 points to 48 percent, while Labour is down 6.5 points to 34 percent. The Greens are up 1 to 7.5 percent and New Zealand First has broken the five percent threshold [...]
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Electoral Finance Bill: Human Rights Commission wants to start againThe Human Rights Commission is not happy with the Electoral Finance Bill. It wants to scrap it and start again - or at least have another round of consultation.The Government has [...]
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New Kiwi Blog Monkey with a Typewri [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Monday, November 19, 2007

Electoral Finance Bill restricts legal participation progressively updatedReport is here. Posted just a minute ago. The statutory declaration regime has gone, and the Human Rights Commission appear to have been of influence. The Select Committee hopes [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Sunday, November 18, 2007

is this our worst sporting year?Can anyone recall a world championship win this year that Helen Clark was in attendan [...]
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PM on Breakfast TVLabour is still tryingto kid itself and the rest of the country that the Electoral Finance Bill has a level playing ferld. The bill is expected to be reported back in Parliament today, but the playing field is such that there is an [...]
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All the beauty of the stainless steel

Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Saturday, November 17, 2007

Thinking about Utilitarian for its day in stainless steel thestainlesssteelstore it is the certain place, la you goes to find of everything in steel.It possesss diverse models for all the types of more demanding people, thestainlesssteelstore possesss [...]
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Sponsored PostthestainlesssteelstoreTags:steel,Outdoor,Re [...]
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An Electoral Finance Bill SupporterA supporter of the Electoral Finance Bill writes to the NZ Herald. His name is Peter Davis. He works for the Sociology Department in Auckland University. He compares freedom of speech [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Thursday, November 15, 2007

Police think it is "prudent" to support oral sex on TV What is interesting that after Bob Schollum, Brad Shuipton and possibly Clint Rickards had all manner of sexual contact with all manner of women - including oral sex and sex on the bonnet of a police [...]
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Clare CurranClare Curran is a PR hack. She is a Member of Labour. Not any ordinary menber- she is the Otago-Southland representative on Labour's ruling body. She is also contesting David Benson Pope's seat at the next election. She also replaced Madeleine [...]
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Genesis Energy happy to support "objectionable" television programmeThe Family First lobby group is running a bit of a campaign against a programme on TV tonight called Californication, targeting advertisers on the programme. Most of the initial advertisers [...]
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Superiorrugs the place of best carpets of the world

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Stays looking for classics carpets of high quality and with a special requinte superiorrugs is the certain place la you goes to find everything how much it is type of carpet for all the people most demanding of the world, it has carpets contemporaries,traditional [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Helen the hypocriteHelen Clark has stated, with regards to the terrorist attacks that there is a desire for people to know about the police terror raids. She said that everyone wanted to know what was worrying the police, but any evidence has to come [...]
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Bloggerwave: the best friend to your blog

Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Searching the InterNet the search of new features I came across myself with bloggerwave , a company would be European who paid the blogueiros for dispatch by post certain subjects in its blogs.Then if you have good blog quoted well and with a good visitation [...]
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Bloggerwave: the best friend to your blog

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Searching the InterNet the search of new features I came across myself with bloggerwave, a company would be European who paid the blogueiros for dispatch by post certain subjects in its blogs.Se você tem um blog bem cotado e bem divulgado não fique de [...]
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Bloggerwave: the best friend to your blog

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Vasculhando a internet a procura de novidades me deparei com o bloggerwave , uma empresa seria europeia que paga os blogueiros para postarem certos assuntos em seus blo [...]
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Investment Firm Names Gore as a Partner

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SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 12 — Deepening his ties to Silicon Valley, former Vice President Al Gore said on Monday that he had become a partner in the venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers.The alliance provides [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Monday, November 12, 2007

Today in the HouseJohn Key and Michael Cullen sparring on the Electoral Finance Bi [...]
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Civil disobedience is on its wayOnce the Electoral Finace Bill is passed, you can be sure that there will be civil disobedience against this legislation by those who understand that in terms of electoral law and elections, New Zealand will no longer [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Sunday, November 11, 2007

MPs, take noteIt is extremely rare when any newspaper carries an editorial on its front page. This morning John Roughan from the NZ Herald has done so, on the Electoral Finance Bill. This will bring the Electoral Finance [...]
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Marae DigipollA Marae digipoll out recently has the Maori Party polling well on all seven Maori seats. In other words, the Maori Party could possibly win all seven Maori seats at the next election. If it does, NZ First will be history unless the party [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Friday, November 9, 2007

silly lawsDavid Farrar has listed some Silly UK laws, referring to a BBC competition. He mentioned six of these but missed some more that werent mentioned on the article. If the UK laws were enacted prior to our legislative system and have not been [...]
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Hackers Infect Alicia Keys’s MySpace Page

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The MySpace page of singer Alicia Keys has become the latest vehicle for malware on the Web.Researchers at the Atlanta, GA-based Exploit Prevention Labs have discovered multiple hacked MySpace pages, including the personal page of the R&B artist. [...]
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Cheaperthanhotels the luxury maximum

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If it is looking to hotel five stars in London, Manchester or Birmingham with all the comfort and quality. Cheaperthanhotels is the reply for its search all the best hotels you to consult which le pleases but.A complete [...]
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Tax Cuts ComingNational MP Murray McCully puts it this way: As the Budget surplus’ have mounted, billion upon billion, the National Party has consistently called for tax cuts – clearly the Labour Government was seizing revenues [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Thursday, November 8, 2007

Minister wants to close down unregistered Sunday Schools updatedWell, it's official. Education Minister Chris Carter wants Sunday School treated like all other licenced creches - because "they need to have safe facilities and they need to have adequately [...]
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Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Wednesday, November 7, 2007

new school curriculumI think it is good news that the Treaty of Waitangi and tikanga is included in the school curriculum. However I am concerned that there is only one "professional development" day allocated to get up to speed with the curriculum.I [...]
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a few changesYou won't notice, but this is an old template that is now Big News. I have changed a few things around so all you will notice is that there are no archives - they are on the old template I`m working on.Tax [...]
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Ultimate PC Reset Button

Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Sunday, November 4, 2007

Are you tired of those tiny reset buttons on your PC? If the answer is “Yes!“, then we have a solution for you! In association with Maddy McBlast, our mad scientist, we give you…the ultimate reset button for your PC!First [...]
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Helens halloween specialThe reshuffle. More of a trick through crooked teeth than a treat.We have a minister of Women`s Affairs called Steve,and a Claytons minister. Cosgrove takes over Sport and the Rugby World Cup. Cunliffe is on Health - and only [...]
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An Online-Gaming Pioneer Is Back, and This Time He’s Banking on Sci-Fi

Diposkan oleh Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman on Saturday, November 3, 2007

AUSTIN, Tex. — At the age of 46, Richard Garriott is an old man by video game standards. In fact, when it comes to games on personal computers, he could be fairly described as the old man.Mr. Garriott has been one of the world’s most famous game designers [...]
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